
Founding Day Celebrations | 4 Years of Edwisely

Foundation Day Celebrations . 4 Years of Edwisely and continuing.
Edwisely Celebrating 4 Incredible Years of Transformative Learning

The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step

-Lao Tzu-

June 6th is a date that holds special for everyone here at Edwisely. It marks the anniversary of the day when in 2017, an idea took shape and Edwisely emerged. 4 years ago, we took the first step towards creating what we envisioned as a company that would restore the fundamental values of education. Our objective seemed direct and achievable.  However, as we navigated this path, we realized that it was not so simple. In the words of Robert Frost “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less travelled by. And that has made all the difference”. 

In the EdTech sector crowded with last-mile finishing schools and short-term skilling companies, here we were with plans of taking education beyond a mere “Checklist” of skills towards holistic development and meaningful learning.  In a market where B2C education is the focus of unicorns and major players, we are committed to the B2B model as an enabler with far-reaching impact. We partner with “Institutions (HEI)” that can work towards an empowered and able society.

We are not “just another” e-learning company because we believe that true learning can take place only by letting go of the age-old “one size fits all” approach and replacing it with “personalization”.

One cannot build the future without learning from the past.  Today, even the New Education Policy #NEP2020 looks towards the Nalandas and Takshashilas of ancient India for inspiration.  Edwisely brings back the culture of Multidisciplinary and Research-driven learning with the power of AI-driven Personalization.

Celebrations with our Team: 

Celebrating the four-year milestone was an exciting thought for the Edwisely family. Meeting our team in person and cherishing the moments together would have been perfect, but we could not due to the pandemic. So, we did things a bit differently. We thought, what better way to Celebrate Foundation Day than to have some personalized fun games with the team and get to know each of them better especially when everyone is working remotely.

The first half of the day was the team sharing their experiences and journey with Edwisely, the fun moments we shared, the breakthroughs we had in the past year like the partnership with NASSCOM, and receiving an honorable award from ASSOCHAM as the “Emerging Start-up of the Year”. We rejoiced how even during the tough times, we grew strong as a family. Our founders shared the story of how their idea to make a difference in education gave birth to Edwisely. The highlight of the morning was when our Co-Founder Harsha took us through memory lane since the emergence of Edwisely in 2017 through a beautiful collage of memories: How funny they used to be and how they broke their boundaries for the sake of the company.

In the latter half, we played some fun games. We collected answers from each team member for a set of personalized questions. They were displayed with the answers without the name of the person. The members had to guess who it was that might have had these interests. With a lot of new team members joining us during the pandemic, this was a fun way to get to know them better.

Even though virtual, this was indeed, one of the most memorable celebrations for the Edwisely family.

Team Edwisely cherishing moment together during a game on the Foundation Day.. Had some personalized fun games with the team and get to know each of them better especially when everyone is working remotely.

Thank you for Supporting Edwisely: 

It takes a village to raise a child and Edwisely is a dream that became reality only because so many of you contributed towards our growth.  A word of encouragement here, a kind introduction made there, a strong referral when needed, have all gone into building Edwisely.  And for that, we are immensely and forever grateful. 

We thank each one of you, for placing your trust in us and inspiring us through the highs and lows. Our strength is our team who just like family stayed with us through these tough times.  

Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s message “Be the change you want to see in the world” and motivated by the support extended by all our stakeholders, Team Edwisely confidently advances towards building a Personalized Learning Platform for Higher Education Institutes.  

We look forward to your support and encouragement in the years to come. 

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